Real Estate in DownEast, Maine
(207) 497-2818
Details for Listing #855
Jonesport - Residential
Come put your own finishing touches on this 1890 Cape styled property. There are many recent renovations that have been added to the property since 2020. In 2021, a new roof and a well were installed. In 2022, a single car garage was built with a potential workshop or art studio on the second story. There is a new vinyl composite deck, new front doors, kitchen cabinets & flooring, a new water heater, and pellet stove. Stainless appliances will convey to the buyers. These appliances include a new unused electric stove, a newly installed stackable washer and dryer, and a recently added refrigerator and microwave. The owners are continuing to make improvements to the house every day. Property is being sold 'as is' and sellers are willing to convey remaining cement siding. The property is within walking distance of the public marina. Come take a look at this partially revitalized cape!
Price: $140,000 New price!
Address: 24 Island Street
City/Town: Jonesport
MLS Number: 1581344
Property Type: Residential
Property Taxes: $1,649.80 (2023)
Acreage: .69 +/-
Road Frontage: 306' +/-
Zoning: General Development
Survey: No
Map & Lot: 14/117
Building Style: Modified Cape
Year Built: 1890s
Roof Age: Metal roof installed in 2021
Foundation: Crawlspace
Siding: Concrete
Flooring: Vinyl, Wood, Carpet
Outbuildings: 1 Car Garage
Total Rooms: 9
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 2
1st Floor Rooms: Mudroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Master Bedroom, Full Bathroom, Master Bathroom, Laundry Room
2nd Floor Rooms: Three Bedrooms
Water Source: Drilled Well
Sewer/Septic: Septic Tank and Leach Field
Electric Service: Circuit Breakers
Heating: Pellet Stove
Paul T. Iossa Real Estate Agency
1603 Mason Bay Road, Jonesport, ME 04649-3008